Transparency is crucial for Dzyga’s Paw as it builds trust and credibility with our donors. On this page, you can look at Dzyga’s Paw finance. We track every donation we receive. We are committed to publishing every expense we make to support the war effort.
Dzyga’s Paw report
Total donations
Total spendings
Delivered in equipment
Portable Power
Drone components
Clothing & Body Armor
Here, you can see the summarised statistics for all the funds we receive in donations from our supporters through various sources. If you are one of us – feel free to play a fun game and try to find your donation encoded in the list! And please accept our deepest thanks.
That being said, we want to leave you with one last message – every donation helps. A considerable portion of the donations we receive is equivalent to the price of a coffee cup or a dinner out. Nonetheless, they all contribute to the final result now measured in hundreds of thousands of dollars. No donation is too small. Unity is our superpower!
Below, you can find every spending Dzyga’s Paw made to support our units effectively. We also labeled every expenditure by category. Most rows have a link that has a report about the purchase. Such rows are clickable, and the report will open in a new tab (pop-ups must be allowed for this page).
Dzyga’s Paw never buys weapons directly but may authorize funds to soldiers, so they could buy weapons they need in combat.
They are awesome, and built this whole kit for us to be transparent with the donors. Please treat them with a follow on Twitter and send some good words their way!
Where can I find receipts?
Due to security concerns, we do not publicly display receipts for purchased equipment. However, if you need access to this information, we are happy to provide it upon request.